Thursday, March 5, 2009

Make Easy Youtube Money

Hi you want to make easy Youtube money? Of course you do otherwise you wouldn't be here. Earning Youtube money is very easy, only requiring you to be on your computer about 40min per day depending on how much you want to earn. To make money off youtube you need:

-A Computer
-A Youtube account
-A Blog/Website
-And a Google acount

It is very easy, you simply advertise on different videos on Youtube saying stuff like "I earn money off Youtube, You can too" and then post your Url to your site. Then people will come on too your Site and some will click Ads/Links which brings money to you. This way you will earn Youtube money without spending any money or trying to sell something. The more you are on youtube advertising the more money you will make. Take a look at me I have finally found the perfect money maker using Youtube.

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